New Legislation Impacting Your Profession

Posted in Latest News on April 15, 2022.

HB 1209 - Administration of Vaccines

Effective Date: July 1, 2022
HB 1209 (Full Text)


The bill authorizes a certified registered pharmacy technician to administer vaccines and immunizations to adults under the supervision of a certified pharmacist. To become certified by the Board of Pharmacy, a registered pharmacy technician must complete six hours of approved immunization-related training. As a renewal condition, an additional two hours of approved continuing education must be completed.

The bill updates the authorized immunizations or vaccines that may be administered as listed in the Adult Immunization Schedule by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recommended by the CDC’s Health Information for International Travel, and those licensed or authorized for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as of March 31, 2022.

SB 1222 - Acute and Post-acute Hospital Care at Home

Effective Date: July 1, 2022
SB 1222 (Full Text)


The bill expands the scope of Class III institutional pharmacies to authorize them to dispense, distribute, compound, and fill prescriptions for medicinal drugs for inpatient treatment to a patient receiving acute and post-acute hospital care at their residence through a program approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Agency for Health Care Administration. The bill authorizes paramedics to perform basic life support services and advanced life support services to patients receiving acute and post-acute hospital care at home under the supervision of a physician or standing orders as described in sections 401.265, 458.348, or 459.025, Florida Statutes. Physicians who supervise or provide medical direction to a paramedic are liable for any act or omission of the paramedic while acting under supervision or medical direction.

SB 544 - Drug-related Overdose Prevention

Effective Date: July 1, 2022
SB 544 (Full Text)


The bill added pharmacists as health care practitioners who are authorized to order and dispense an emergency opioid antagonist with an auto-injection delivery system or intranasal application delivery system for a patient or caregiver for use in accordance with section 381.887, Florida Statutes. The bill expanded the list of persons authorized to possess, store, and administer emergency opioid antagonists as clinically indicated and specified that they are immune from any civil liability or criminal liability as a result of administering an emergency opioid antagonist. In addition to existing provisions for emergency responders and crime laboratory personnel, the bill added personnel of a law enforcement agency or any other agency, while acting within the scope or course of employment, who come into contact with a controlled substance or persons at risk of experiencing an opioid overdose.

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