Nonresident Sterile Compounding Permits

Click on the appropriate tab below to see the Renewal Requirements, Process, Fees and Continuing Education (CE) for a Nonresident Sterile Compounding Permits

Current licenses expire at midnight, Eastern Time, on  February 28, 2027.

Delinquent licenses that expired on  February 28, 2025, become null and void  at midnight, Eastern Time, on August 29, 2025.

Failure to renew an active license by the expiration date will result in the license being placed in delinquent status. Failure by a delinquent licensee to renew within six months of the license becoming delinquent renders the license Null & Void without any further action by the board or the Department.

To ensure you receive your renewal notification from the Department, your current mailing address must be on file.

Nonresident Sterile Compounding permit holders are required to submit a current inspection to be included with the renewal application. The inspection must have been conducted within one year before the date of the renewal application.

Board Approved Agencies

Nonresident Sterile Compounding Facilities:

  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • National Association of Boards of Pharmacy- Verified Pharmacy Program (NABP-VPP)
  • Accreditation Commission for Healthcare (ACHC)
  • Inspection Standard USP797 – Pharmaceutical Compounding-Sterile Preparations

Nonresident Sterile Compounding – Outsourcing Facilities:

  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • State Inspection Report – Entities must meet cGMP standards
  • Florida Department of Health (DOH)

If you have not been inspected by one of the above agencies, an inspection can be conducted by Florida at your cost. If an inspection must be conducted by the State of Florida, please notify the Board at

The Department will renew your license upon receipt of a completed renewal application and fees.

Complete your renewal application. This renewal application must be submitted via US Mail.

  1. Submit all required documentation requested in the renewal application including a current inspection report and policies and procedures.
  2. Mail your complete renewal packet and with your cashier’s check or money order to:
    Division of Medical Quality Assurance
    P.O. Box 6320
    Tallahassee, FL 32314-6320

Additional Information:

  • If you are renewing your license after the expiration date and your status still indicates Clear, you will be assessed a delinquency fee. The delinquency fee will be in addition to your renewal fees.
  • The process of renewing a license may take 7-10 business days. Initiating contact to confirm the receipt of fees or the status of your license prior to this time will not expedite the renewal process.
  • A change in location and a change in ownership for a nonresident sterile compounding permit for nonresident pharmacies and a nonresident sterile compounding permit for outsourcing facilities shall require the submission of a new application and the issuance of a new permit.
  • If you wish to update your supervising pharmacist or pharmacist in charge, please submit your request to and/or mail to:

Board of Pharmacy
4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin C-04
Tallahassee, FL 32399-3258

Certified check or money order should be made payable to the Florida Department of Health

Renewing DURING the Renewal Period

Renewal Fee$255.00

Renewing AFTER the Renewal Period
(March 1, 2025 – August 31, 2025)

Delinquent Renewal Fee$355.00

Delinquent licenses go Null & Void1 6 months after the expiration date.

1Null & Void – The establishment operator failed to renew their delinquent license before the end of the renewal cycle.

There are no Continuing Education requirements for pharmacy permits.

Click on Chapter or Section Number to View

Florida Statute

Chapter 456: Health Professions and Occupations: General Provisions
Chapter 465: Pharmacy
Section 465.008: Renewal of License
Section 465.022: Pharmacys: general requirements; fees.

Florida Administrative Code

Rule 64B16-26.1022: Permit Fees