Click on the appropriate tab below to see the Renewal Requirements, Process, Fees and Continuing Education (CE) for a Consultant Pharmacist
Current licenses will expire at midnight, Eastern Time, on September 30, 2023.
The Test and Treat Certification is automatically renewed with your Pharmacist License Renewal. If you have completed the requisite 3-hour continuing education (CE) course related to minor, nonchronic health conditions approved by the board in addition to your required pharmacist hours, you will be able to renew your pharmacist license with the test and treat certification.
If you no longer wish to hold the test and treat certification, please notify the Board office in-writing and the distinction will be removed from your license.
All pharmacists with a 50-year qualification who have held an active Florida pharmacist license are fee exempt. Pharmacists with this distinction are still required to meet the current continuing education (CE) requirements prior to each licensure renewal.
All renewal provisions must be met to successfully renew your license. To ensure you receive your renewal notification from the department, your current mailing address must be on file. Failure to renew an active or inactive license by the expiration date will result in the license being placed in delinquent status. Failure by a delinquent licensee to become active or inactive before the expiration of the current licensure cycle renders the license null and void without any further action by the board or the department.
A licensee who remains on inactive status for more than two consecutive biennial licensure cycles and who wishes to reactivate the license may be required to demonstrate the competency to resume active practice by sitting for a special purpose examination or by completing other reactivation requirements.
The department will renew your pharmacist license with the immunization administration certification upon receipt of:
- Completed CE requirements – reported to CE Broker
- Completed renewal application for your pharmacist license. Please note that there is no separate renewal application for the immunization administration certification.
- Required fees to renew your pharmacist license. Please note that there are no separate fees to renew your immunization administration certification.
Military Exemption
To receive an exemption from the renewal requirements, please provide a copy of your orders which provides the beginning and end date of your current enlistment or a copy of your spouse’s orders. If you are a Commissioned Officer, you may provide a letter from your commanding officer that reflects the length of your contract with a beginning and end date to fulfill this requirement.
Renewal Instructions:
- Go to and click the “Renew A License” button.
- Enter your Personal Identifying Information (PII), then click the Login button.
- Confirm or update your MQA Services Account email address, then click the “Continue” button.
- You are now in the Dashboard. During renewals, a “Renew My License” option will populate no later than 90 days prior to your license expiration date. (Note: If you do not see the “Renew My License” option, please check back at a later time.)
*** If the “PII Failed” screen displays, click the “Other Login Option” button and enter your existing User ID and password to access your account.***
Additional Information:
- You may renew online if you have a credit or debit card to complete the transaction. Please note that you can now renew online, print a copy of your application summary and mail it with your cashier’s check or money order to:
Division of Medical Quality Assurance
P.O. Box 6320
Tallahassee, FL 32314-6320 - If you are renewing your license after the expiration date and your status still indicates Clear/Active or Clear/Inactive, you will be assessed a delinquency fee. The delinquency fee will be in addition to your renewal fees.
- If your license is Delinquent/Active or Delinquent/Inactive you may still renew prior to the renewal deadline. The following actions must be taken prior to renewing your license:
- Prior to renewing your license, you must report your continuing education (CE) hours to the Department of Health’s tracking system.
- To renew a delinquent license, you will need to report your CE hours for your current cycle, as well as your previous cycle.
- If you did not complete CE courses in your last renewal cycle, you may complete them now and report them to the CE tracking system.
- To report course completion, log onto your MQA Online Account. From your dashboard, go to “Additional Activities” and select Report CE/CME.
Please note, when renewing your license, a delinquent fee will be assessed in addition to all applicable renewal fees.
- If your license was Delinquent/Active or Delinquent/Inactive before the renewal deadline, it will be moved to Null and Void status after the renewal deadline. You should contact your board office for further instruction.
- The process of renewing a license may take 7-10 business days. Initiating contact to confirm the receipt of fees or the status of your license prior to this time will not expedite the renewal process.
- A licensee who remains on inactive status for more than two consecutive biennial licensure cycles and who wishes to reactivate the license may be required to demonstrate the competency to resume active practice by sitting for a special purpose examination or by completing other reactivation requirements.
- If you are reactivating your license, please refer to the laws and rules governing your practice for additional requirements.
- Note: Do not submit certificates of completion of continuing education hours to the Florida Board of Nursing. Please report continuing education credits to the Department of Health through our CE tracking system at
Name Change
If you are renewing online and need to change your name, please follow these instructions prior to renewing your license:
Name changes require legal documentation showing the name change. Please log into your MQA Online Services Portal account to submit your request and enter your full name as it appears on your legal documentation. If you are submitting your request online, please attach/upload supporting documents, which must be one of the following:
- A copy of a state issued marriage license that includes the original signature and seal from the clerk of the court
- A divorce decree showing the name change
- A court order showing the name change (Adoption, legal name change, federal identity change)
- A copy of a certificate of naturalization or H1B Employment Visa (Note: Foreign applicants and/or licensees may not have state issued documents)
Any one of these will be accepted unless the department has a question about the authenticity of the document.
NOTE: Please allow 5-7 business days for your request to be processed. If you are requesting a name change outside of renewal and wish to receive a new license reflecting the name change, you must request a duplicate license.
There are no additional fees to renew your test and treat certification.

1Null & Void -The licensed practitioner failed to renew their licensure status for two renewal cycles, resulting in their license expiring.
Pharmacists who hold the test and treat certification must complete a 3-hour course approved by the board. This requirement is in addition to the Continuing Education requirements for Pharmacist license renewal found in the Pharmacist Continuing Education requirements. Approved courses are listed in CEBroker.
Click on Chapter or Section Number to View
Florida Statute
Chapter 456: Health Professions and Occupations: General Provisions
Chapter 465: Pharmacy
Section 465.1895: Testing or screening for and treatment of minor, nonchronic health conditions.
Florida Administrative Code
Rule 64B16-26.1003: Active License Renewal Fees
Rule 64B16-26.1004: Inactive License Election; Renewal; Fees
Rule 64B16-26.1005: Retired License Election; Renewal; Fees
Rule 64B16-26.102: Delinquent License Reversion; Reinstatement; Fees
Rule 64B16-26.103: Continuing Education Credits; Renewal